Looking for better images

We are always looking for better puzzle images.

If you are browsing puzzles and you come across an image that is small or poor quality, please take some time and upload a better version of the image if you can.

We have a tool to help us identify small images on this site, but finding replacements is a manual process. Any help from the community is greatly appreciated.

Update: 3/10/21 - In the process of updating images, I was able to improve the "automatic crop" function. White and Black around the outside of puzzle pictures is being removed more easily now. Other colors (like a table top) cannot be easily removed through automation without risking a bad crop on a puzzle. But there is a manual crop (and a rotate) icon that should show next to your image after you upload it. :)

Update: 3/19/21 - ALL DONE! We managed to find larger images of all but a couple puzzles. Thanks to the help from the webiste helpers and those that I reached out to for sending updated images. Your help really paid off.
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