New feature when clicking on puzzles people are offering!

You can now ask questions before starting a trade or purchase.

Previously, when you were looking at someone's puzzles and you clicked on one they were offering, you would be offered one or more check boxes letting you quickly ask that person to trade or letting them know you wanted to buy their puzzle. But if you wanted to simply ask a question, you had to back out and go into chat or click the "quick message" button on their profile.

A new option is now available for those times when you simply want to ask a question about the puzzle but you aren't ready to start a trade or purchase. 

This new check box lets you ask a question in the same way you would if you used the "quick message" button. But the puzzle you are asking about is linked to the quick message automatically making this a very convenient way to quickly ask about puzzles. Look for this new option the next time you click on someone's puzzle offerings.

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