Cheapest Shipping in the U.S.A.

What is the cheapest way to ship puzzles inside the U.S.A.?

We have found that the best way to save on shipping is to purchase discount shipping labels from companies that partner with the US Postal Service.

These companies purchase shipping labels in bulk at business bulk shipping rates. They mark those labels up a very small amount to make their money and pass the rest of the savings on to you.

These are the same labels you would get if you went to the post office and purchased the label there. At least as far as functionality goes. Your package has the same protection, insurance and shipping time. The only difference is that you save a bundle.

The company that we recommend the most is because they have a very simple user interface and it is the only thing they do. Other companies like also offer the same discount shipping labels, but their user interface is not as easy to use and they offer these labels as a side note mixed in with their other services. This causes a great deal of confusion if you simply want to buy labels. There are probably many companies offering these services but if all you want is shipping labels without all the overhead, try out for ease of use.

Be sure to pack your puzzles in the smallest, lightest package possible to get the best price no matter who you ship with.

Here is a list of the shippers that we recommend:

You can, of course, ship internationally with all of these companies as well. For price, (and USPS) still come out to be the cheapest.

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