Forum - Puzzling Conversations

Subject - Are you interested in a "Friends" list or something similar?

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06/05/2019 03:16pm   by   Glenn & Tina S. (site owners)  
Adding a quick list of people you have had transactions with is easy. (traded, sold to, purchased from)

But what are some other features we might be able to tie in with this? I want to keep it fairly simple but I also want to make it as useful as possible for people. Here are some ideas that are coming to me right now. I would love your input.

* A list where you can quickly see people you have had transactions with.
* A "Friends" list even if you haven't had transactions yet
* The ability to "Follow" people. This would notify you when they put new puzzles online for trade or sale.
* Maybe the ability to mark someone as "Don't Trade" or "Block" to prevent them from trying to trade with you????

None of these are very important right now as we are just getting started, but as the site grows, these may become more important.
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