You can now track puzzles

Have you ever wondered where a puzzle has been or where it goes after you send it on to someone else?

A new, totally optional, feature has been added that allows you to track an individual puzzle. This could let you see how many people received the puzzle and their general location. It could be an interesting experiment to see how far a puzzle travels.

This concept came from several users who put history log cards in with their puzzles. Each person adds their name or initials to the card and the date and their general location (the city they live in). Then the next person in line can see this interesting history.

To carry the concept one step further, we added this tracking to the website. You simply go to any puzzle in your collection and generate a tracking code. Then you pring that code out and tuck it in with the puzzle when you pass it to another person. If you exchange that puzzle on this website, we will help fill in the tracking history log. But people that are not members of the website can add to the log too without logging in simply by using the tracking code.

There should never be any personal information in the log, it is normally just your website name or first name or maybe your initials. We also track the city you are in but not your full address. Of course we track a date too, but this can be the date you received the puzzle or the date you completed the puzzle or just some date when you had the puzzle.

This is just for entertainment and is totally voluntary. You can remove your log entry at any time. There is no validation to be sure the dates people enter are accurate, but we do have content validation if someone reports a log entry as being inappropriate.

If you get a puzzle with a paper log, you can create a digital tracking number and key the paper entries into the system for the future life of that puzzle.

To access this feature, look at the detail screen of any puzzle you currently have in your collection and you will see a tracking button there. Puzzles in your wish list or ones you had in the past don't qualify for tracking numbers. Sorry, only ones you currently have.

We hope you enjoy this new feature.

<< Flip through puzzles directly from the detail screen.    |    The site is now aware of mult-puzzle shipments >>
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